We’re confident if you try Homework4 you’ll quickly recognise it’s an excellent digital homework solution and alternative to the traditional paper school planner. That’s why we offer a free, no obligation 6-weeks trial, so you can fully assess the benefits Homework4 will bring and decide if it’s the right solution for your school. Here’s some helpful information to help you get the very best out of your trial and the feedback you’ll need to help you make an evidence-based decision prior to investment.
Homework4 free trial process
- Set out goals for your school
- Assess internal infrastructure requirements
- Establish links with network/SIMS/data managers
- Implement technical/data requirements
- Build trial domain (Homework4 team)
- Identify trial classes/teachers/parents
- Develop feedback questions
- Provide basic training and guidance
- Six weeks free trial begins
- Evaluate range of user feedback and responses to help make decisions
- Assess benefits/challenges
- Make evidenced base decisions
- Implementation/no implementation
Having a clear set of aims will help you develop your evaluation process during and at the end of your free trial, they’ll provide you with clear evidence as to whether Homework4 is the best digital solution for your school. They’ll also help focus all users when they provide their feedback.
Guidance for your school aims
Homework4 should:
- Support and help develop your homework policy
- Provide a vehicle for consistency for all aspects of homework
- Help teachers to set more detailed, varied and personalised homework with supporting resources
- Streamline your system of homework setting, receiving, tracking and monitoring
- Improve your systems of communicating and engaging with students and parents
- Improve productivity, progress and outcomes
- Streamline your teachers’ workload
- Support your school leaders
Below are our ideas on how best to run a free trial in your school. We really want it to be successful and genuinely provide feedback you can use to make your final decision. We know you’ll have your own ideas on what will work for you and we’re happy to work with them and support you during your free trial.
Running your free trial
Best practice:
- Identify a group or groups to provide the evidence you seek and will test the functionality fully
- Establish the need for open and honest evaluation
- Ensure your trial group understands the purpose of the trial and they’re fully equipped to engage in it
- Set out clear specific aims i.e. cost saving, time saving, improved communication and engagement
- Homework4 to provide basic evaluative spreadsheet to use during your trial
- Set out timeline for mid-point and end-point
- Establish survey/questionnaire content
- Decide on a measure for positive or negative results
Finally, to help you with ideas for evaluation we’ve drawn up these questions as a starting point. Feel free to adapt and add to.
Evaluating your free trial
- Was Homework4 easy to use?
- Was Homework4 reliable?
- Did Homework4 improve the process of setting/receiving/tracking and monitoring homework?
- Have there been any changes to the quality of homework set using Homework4?
- Have there been any changes to the quality of responses to homework set on Homework4?
- Did Homework4 save you time?
- What other benefits were there using Homework4?
- What were the draw backs using Homework4?
- Was the setup process simple and smooth?
- Were there any other issues?
So, if you’re ready to take the plunge with a free trial, or you’d like a demo of Homework4 – we’d love to hear from you!